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  • 阅读次数:5043次
  • 发布日期:2018-10-15


我的姐姐 My Elder Sister

In my generation, most children are the only child in their family, because of the government policy. But it is not my situation. In my hometown, a lot of children have brothers and sisters. I have a sister, who is two years older than me. We are the classic sisters that we always have arguments, but when I am in trouble, she will be the first one to help me.

I remembered that I forgot to bring the textbook one day and I felt so worried. My sister knew my trouble. She went to other class and asked her friend to borrow her a textbook. Finally, my problem solved. So no matter what kind of problem we argue, we won’t be angry at each other for long. I love my sister and I am so happy that we grow up together.
U乐国际这一代人,由于政府的政策,大多数孩子都是家里的独生子。但我家并不是这样,在 My Hometown'>我的,很多孩子都有兄弟姐妹。我有一个比我大两岁的姐姐。U乐国际是典型的姐妹,总是吵架,但当我有麻烦时,她就会是第一个来帮助我。我记得有一天,我忘了带课本了,我很担心。我姐姐知道后,她就去其他班级,让她的朋友借一本教科书给我。最后,我的问题解决了。所以不管U乐国际有什么矛盾,U乐国际都不会生对方的气很久。我爱我的姐姐,我也很高兴U乐国际一起长大了。


做最好的自己 To Be the Best One

Last week, I took part in the summer camp. The school invited some foreign students to visit  and to communicate with us. It was such a good chance for me to practise English with them. What’s more, I could learn difference culture. At first, I was so nervous, but the next day, I got familiar with these friends and I found that they were also very curious about our study. After the short communication, I learned a lot. I knew the first thing I should do was to improve my English. I realized the foreign friends had learned mandarin and they paid special attention to master it. So if I didn’t learn English well, in the future, I would lag behind them. The second thing for me to learn was to develop more interest. The foreign friends could talk about any topic, and I admired them. I can improve myself and to be the best one.



全球化之我见My View on Globalization

With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent.


Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can't avoid staying in contact with other countries.So globalization has become a unstoppable trend. Different people have different point of views.Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution problems. Globalization is a double-edged sword.


As far as I'm concerned,we should look at both sides of globalization.Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the competition.




女孩为梦想而努力 Girls struggle to pursue dreams

Girls at a training course offered by the "Care for Girls" program in Qingjian county, Shaanxi province, talked about their pursuit of dreams despite living in unfavorable conditions.


Initiated by the National Health and Family Planning commission in 2013, the program helps girls in underdeveloped regions to build their self-esteem and self-confidence.


Xi Peiyao, 12, who attended the training course, said her dream is to be a teacher.


"I want to be a teacher teaching Chinese because I like Chinese and writing," Xi said. "By teaching I can not only share knowledge with my students, but also keep learning new things from new versions of textbooks."


She is living with her mother in a room that has no bathroom and costs 300 yuan ($48) a month to rent. Merit certificates she received from school are displayed on the wall. Yan Lingling, Xi's mother, said she is proud of her daughter.


According to the family planning policy, couples in which both the husband and wife have rural residential permits can have another child if their first is a daughter. Yan said she isn't planning on adding to the family because she wants to give her daughter the best she has.


"My husband is away most of the time, working in construction sites and making no more than 30,000 yuan ($4,840) a year. I work as an hourly worker sometimes. The rent of our apartment is expensive. One more child means one more burden," Yan said.


"My husband's parents, who live in the village, have been pressuring us to have a son to pass on his family name. But my daughter is also our blood."


Speaking about how she plans to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher, Xi said: "I will not give up on my dream easily, though I know it may be difficult. When something becomes difficult, it only makes me want to try harder."


给大学校长的一封信 A Letter to the President of the University

Dear Mr. President,


I am writing this letter to you to express my concern about the sports facilities on campus. I have noticed that our university has very limited resources in terms of opportunities to participate in sports, especially given that the number of students on campus is increasing every year.


As we both know, sports are very important for the sound growth of young people. If they have access to quality sports facilities, young people are able to choose a healthier lifestyle, to boost self-esteem and confidence, and to build a positive outlook and sense of achievement.


My proposal is to build a new sports area. It should be designed with soccer players, basketball players, and ping-pong players in mind. It should have a different section for each activity and be available to students all year round. I believe such facilities will meet our sporting needs.


Thank you for your reading this letter.


Yours faithfully,

Li Ming


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